Maven’s build profiles are a powerful tool for managing deployments across different environments. However, as I found out today, they can lead to unexpected behavior if not configured properly. The Setup I had a profile my-artifactory configured in the settings.xml of my build agent, complete with the credentials required to upload artifacts. I also set the central repository to point to my organization’s internal Nexus instance. I has also set my-artifactory to be the default profile. ...
Hello World
Hello, World! 🌍 For the longest time, I’ve been writing thoughts and ideas in my head, waiting for the perfect moment to capture them somewhere concrete. Well, today’s the day! After much procrastination, I’ve decided to bring this blog to life. (Better late than never!) Since my Facebook tagline was “Coder. Dreamer. Developer”—it only feels right to document my tech adventures here! 😄 More than just a space to share my musings, I want this blog to serve as a personal reference—something I can revisit whenever I need a refresher. ...